Papaya nutritious eating

Everyone knows that papaya is rich in nutrients that can supplement the nutrients the body needs, but how can papayas absorb all of it?

Cool papaya milk

First, papaya milk:

Made from fresh papaya and fresh milk, it is absolutely fresh and fragrant. Drink on the spot. If you need to take it outside, put it in no more than 30 minutes (winter) and 20 minutes (summer) to ensure the best flavor. The calcium in milk, vitamin C in papaya, are the nutrients needed in the body, suitable for drinking every day. Fresh papayas will have a bitter bitter taste in winter. This is a normal phenomenon. Please eat at ease.

(1) Materials: 150g of papaya, 200cc of milk (about 1 mug), vanilla ice cream (1 small box), 1 tsp of sugar (can be added without adding)

Practice: papaya peeled, cut into pieces. Add 200cc milk, sugar, ice cream, and stir in a few minutes at a moderate speed.

(b) Materials: Half papaya, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey, 200ml of milk, half a lemon.

Practice: Papaya cut into pieces, together with milk, egg yolk and juice, then add lemon juice and honey,

To make juice more entrance. If you add whisky to this product, it will taste better. Can be used as a dinner drink.

(3) Materials: 360 grams of papaya, two cups of fresh milk, amount of white granulated sugar, and amount of crushed ice.

Practices: 1. Select freshly cooked papaya, peeled, nucleated, cut into large pieces, spare.

2. Put papaya pieces, fresh milk, white granulated sugar, and appropriate amount of crushed ice together in a blender. Break into gravy and drink.

Efficacy: moisturizing beauty.

Second, papaya fruit plate:

Cut more than 80% of ripe papaya, peel, scrape, cut into fresh fruit plate. It is soft, smooth, juicy, sweet and sweet. If you can't eat it all at once, it's best not to peel or scrape the remaining part. You can use the fresh-keeping paper bag to put it in the fridge and refrigerate it.

Do not freeze to avoid bad taste. Some winter papayas may be slightly bitter, which is a normal phenomenon. Please administer it with peace of mind.

Third, papaya milk coconut juice

Materials: 1/2 papaya, fresh milk 250cc, honey 1 tablespoon, coconut juice 50cc, crushed ice 1/2 cup.

Practice: Papaya peeled on the cut, seeded, cut, put all the ingredients into the blender for about 30 seconds, you can pour out for drinking.

Efficacy: It is rich in vitamin C and carotene, which can effectively restore fatigue. It is also helpful to people with indigestion.

Fourth, papaya fresh milk

Material: Papaya 600g, 1 cup fresh milk, half coconut milk, 200g sugar, 3 tablespoons corn flour.
Practice: Papaya go nuclear and peeling. Use two cups of fresh water to boil and boil, add the papaya, then add fresh milk, coconut milk, and boil over low heat. Open the corn flour with a small half cup of water and gradually add milk sauce. Cook until thick.

Efficacy: Foods made from papaya often make the skin smooth.

Fifth, papaya orange juice

Material: 1 papaya, 130g orange, 50g lemon.

Practices: Peel the papaya first and then remove the seeds, wash and chop and smash the juice for use. Then cut the oranges and lemons, squeeze out juice mixed with papaya juice, and mix well.

Efficacy: Drink this product can make the skin smooth, but also help digestion, intestines, is suitable for both young and old drinks.

Six, papaya cereal milk juice

MATERIALS: Half of the peeled papaya, 400 ml of whole milk, 1 tablespoon of cereal, and sugar.

Practice: Papaya pellets, stir into juice with whole milk, add instant oatmeal, then add sugar.

Seven, papaya stew steak

Materials: 1 papaya, 200 grams of steak, minced garlic, a little pepper, oyster sauce, stock, rice wine amount.

Practice: Marinate the steak for 4 hours with salt, cornstarch and eggs, and cut the steak into strips. Cut the papaya into strips and pass the oil over a small fire.

After sautéing the pan with garlic and pepper, the steak is cooked and then oyster sauce, broth and a little rice wine are added.

Finally, use cornstarch to thicken and add papaya and stir fry.

Efficacy: Papaya stew steak combines protein and vitamins. Beef is warm, so it is better to avoid the hot air with the fruit.

Beef is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin A, while papaya has a lot of vitamin C. Eating together can balance nutrition.

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