Seedling Production Beware of Invasive Diseases

Infectious diseases often cause a large number of deaths of seedlings in the short term, and cause great losses to the farmers. The common seedling seedling infestation diseases are damping-off disease, blight, leaf spot, and anthrax. Several comprehensive control measures are introduced.

Choose a garden

The light-viscous loamy soil or sandy loam soil with good water source and high groundwater should be selected as the nursery, and the rotation system should be adopted, and the same nursery stock should not be continuously cultivated in the same nursery.

When nursery, nursery soil must be disinfected in advance, the main methods are the following four kinds: 1 Formalin disinfection: per square meter nursery with formalin 50 ml water 10 kg evenly sprayed the surface, and then covered with plastic film or straw bag, Boring about 10 days to open the cover, so that gas volatilization, sowing after two days. 2 Carbendazim disinfection: Use 50% wettable powder, 1.5 grams per square meter. It can also be formulated in a ratio of 1:20 to spread the seedlings on seedbeds, which can effectively prevent seedling diseases. 3 disinfection of quintozene nitrobenzene: per square meter of nursery with 4 grams of 75% pentachloronitrobenzene, 5 grams of zisen zinc, mixed with 12 kilograms of fine soil and mix well, when planting, under the cover, anthrax, Blight, damping-off, and sclerotia have special effects. 4 ferrous sulfate disinfection: treatment of soil with 3% ferrous sulfate solution, 0.5 kg of liquid per square meter, can prevent seedling blight of coniferous flowers and trees, peach and plum leaf shrinkage, and flower iron deficiency. Yellowing disease. It is best to plunge deep in winter and turn it over once in the second year.

Seed disinfection

Seeds should be sown before sowing to eliminate sick and weak species. Seeds are to be treated with drugs. They can be soaked in 0.3% to 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour to an hour or soaked seeds in warm water at 50 degrees Celsius for 24 hours, and then the sinking seeds are removed by 0.2%. The formalin solution was soaked for 30 minutes and then suffocated for 2 hours. Can also be used 0.5% ~ 1% copper sulfate soaking for 1 hour ~ 2 hours, then pick up the seeds rinse with water solution, timely drying after sowing. Pay attention to the depth when sowing, cover soil should not be too thick, so that the seed germination seedlings.

Pharmaceutical treatment

From the seedling stage, every 7 days to 10 days per acre bed with 0.5% to 1% Bordeaux mixture 50 kg to 75 kg of forest seedlings are sprayed to form a protective film on the outside of the seedlings to prevent the invasion of bacteria. At the same time, it is necessary to put a good fertilization off, fertilizer should be mainly applied to farmer fertilizer, fertilizer supplement. Garbage, compost, and manure may contain pathogens and should be put on the ground before fermentation can be used. After the onset of disease, remove the diseased seedlings in time and sprinkle lime powder around the diseased seedlings to prevent the spread of the seedlings. Apply the pesticide once every 10 days to 15 days, and use 500 to 800 times 100 kg of acetoxone per acre. Or 65% of 300-800 times that of zesin zinc 100-kilogram spray, can also be used 1:100 methane sulfide soil 150 kilograms, or 8:2 mixed plant lime ash powder spread on the seed bed, treatment. Can also be used copper ammonium spray treatment.

Syndromes of deficiency of Qi and blood (shortness of breath, laziness, white face, light tongue, or even deficiency of fat, weak pulse, etc.) can be used with Codonopsis Pilosula combined with Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice, angelica, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Paeoniae alba, and Ligusticum chuanxiong (such as Bazhen Decoction), in order to achieve the effect of both qi and blood Moreover, the previous experience believes that tonifying Qi can promote blood, strengthening spleen can help blood, so in the treatment of blood deficiency syndrome, Codonopsis pilosula is often used to tonify Qi and spleen to help blood. According to recent experiments, this product can increase hemoglobin and erythrocyte through spleen stimulation. In recent years, it has been used to treat various anemia with Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, raw land and cooked land.

Codonopsis Pilosula

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