Who should not eat oranges? Can't eat oranges?

Winter is the season to eat oranges, it can qi appetizing, digestion and phlegm, but also improve the liver's detoxification ability, accelerate cholesterol conversion, prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, proper consumption of oranges can also increase appetite. But do you know? Eating oranges also has certain taboos. Let's take a look.


Eating orange taboo

Yin physique should eat less

Orange temperature, eat easy to get angry, especially those who belong to yin and yang yang constitution, it is best to eat less, or there will be mouth sores, dry mouth, dry throat, constipation and other symptoms.

Don't eat too much at one time

Orange contains more calories, once eaten too much, it will promote stomatitis, periodontitis embolism; too much consumption of citrus fruits can cause "orange disease", there are symptoms such as skin yellowing. In addition, eating too much orange has a certain influence on the health of the mouth and teeth.

Don't eat before meals or fasting

Although there are many benefits of oranges, but should eat, should not eat, and it is recommended not to eat oranges on an empty stomach, because orange pulp contains a certain amount of organic acids, easy to stimulate the gastric mucosa.


Can't eat oranges?

Orange + Crab

Citrus and crabs are not the same food, and quail meat is rich in protein, while oranges contain more acid. If fruits such as oranges that are rich in fruit acids are consumed together with those that contain more protein, the fruit acids will coagulate the protein and affect the digestion and absorption of the protein.

Orange + Milk

The protein inside the milk will react with the acid and vitamin C inside the orange, and it will condense into a block, affecting digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also very easy to cause discomfort such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Therefore, people must not eat oranges within 1 hour after drinking milk.

Orange + animal liver

Citrus is rich in vitamin C. Animal's liver is rich in copper, iron and other ions. If the two are eaten at the same time, copper, iron and other ions can easily oxidize the vitamin C in the citrus, thus losing the original nutritional value.

Orange + Radish

Because after eating radish, the body will quickly produce a substance called sulphate and metabolize it to produce a substance that is anti-thyroid, thiocyanate. If you eat orange at this time, the flavonoids in the orange will be decomposed in the intestine and converted to hydroxybenzoic acid and ferulic acid, which will promote the inhibitory effect of thiocyanate on the thyroid gland and lead to goiter.

Orange + egg

Eggs are rich in protein. If they are eaten with fruits such as oranges, which are rich in fruit acids, they will coagulate proteins, affect the digestion and absorption of proteins, and even cause adverse symptoms.


How to choose not to eat sour oranges

A look: size and color

Orange is the best medium head, too thick skin, meat is not full, sweetness is poor, small and may not grow well enough, poor taste. The color of most oranges is slowly changing from green to yellow, and finally orange or orange, so the redder the color, the better the cooked and the sweeter the taste.

However, it should be noted that Gonggan was picked before ripening and the peel was greenish, but the taste was not sour, but the red one was sweeter. In addition, look at the leaves on the orange pedicle, the fresher the leaves, the better the orange.

Second touch: smoothness

Sweet and sour moderate oranges are mostly smooth skin, and the upper oil cell points are more detailed.

Three pinch: test flexibility

The thin, thick and juicy oranges will have good elasticity. When pressed lightly with two fingers, the flesh will feel strong but not hard. If you loosen it, you will be able to snap back to the original shape. The elasticity is good, the skin is thin, and the skin is thin. Can smell the bursts of fragrance, hand gently squeeze the skin will take some oil out is also a good orange.

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