Gold and silver tofu

Ingredients: 200 grams of steamed tofu, 200 grams of soft bean curd, 10 grams of onion ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, the amount of cooking wine, 150 grams of vegetable oil, soup 50 grams.

Processing: First cut the soft bean curd into 1cm cubes, into the boiling water pot boiled to the water, remove and drain the net water; Steamed tofu cut into 1 cm square D.

Cooking: Add the vegetable oil to the frying spoon and fry until the Qicheng hot, fry until the golden color is removed; leave a small amount of oil in the spoon, about 10 grams, add the onion ginger and stir into the scent, add the clear soup, cooking wine, salt and The soft bean curd is slightly savory, and you can add the fried tofu and the monosodium glutamate tumbler.

Efficacy analysis: This dish has the functions of spleen and stomach, expelling fullness, widening qi, clearing heat and dispersing blood. The protein contained in tofu is easily absorbed by the body, and the quality of tender white is the top grade of vegetarian food. Tofu is an alkaline food, regular food can balance the body acid and alkali, health benefits body, there is the effect of light bodybuilding.

Matters needing attention: soft bean curd into the boiling water pot boil, to part of the tofu pulp water, so that it is not broken; pay attention to the pot should be soaked in a small fire soak, should not use Wangwang boiling; steamed good tofu fried color known as "golden tofu", With the boiled "silver tofu," with beautiful color appearance; tofu sweet and salty, hot to eat tepid, suitable for all dieters to eat, especially beneficial for the elderly.