Good effect of foliar fertilizer spraying in the late growth period of cotton

In the late growth stage of cotton, the absorption function of its roots to nutrients was significantly reduced. At this time, spraying foliar fertilizer to supplement nutrients has the effect of preventing premature senescence, preventing diseases, attacking large peaches, promoting early maturing, and competing for high quality, and the effect of increasing yield and income is significant.

1. Spraying nitrogen to prevent premature senescence. In the late stage of cotton, spraying nitrogen fertilizer on the leaves can keep the cotton leaves green, enhance photosynthesis, prevent premature denitrification, and mix with tianfengsu to increase the yield. Spraying method: In late August to early September, 1% urea solution + 8 grams of Tianfengsu, spraying once every 5 to 7 days, even spraying 2 or 3 times, spraying fertilizer solution per acre 30 kg.

2. Phosphorus spraying and potassium prevention promote potassium deficiency in early-maturing cotton. In the flowering and ringing period, red leaf blight (blight disease) is easy to occur. After onset, the cotton leaves turn yellow or red, thicken, shrink and fragile, and finally fall off. , Cause premature aging of cotton plants, can cause serious loss of production. Applying phosphate fertilizer in the later stage of cotton can promote full-filling of seeds, increase boll weight, and advance bolling. Spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1% urea can be used. Spraying for 5 to 7 days or even spraying twice can make cotton leaves turn green quickly.

3, Boron-boron attack peach and cotton strains lack of boron, increased lateral branches, high fruit node nodes, thick leaves, buds easily fall off, resulting in buds without flower or flowers, not flowers, flowers less bell thin, small bell, low yield . Timely application of boron fertilizer solution can reduce shedding and is beneficial to multi-plumbing and large peach. Generally from the beginning of the bell, spraying once every 15 days, even spraying 2 or 3 times, each spraying 0.2% per kg of boron solution 30 kg. Boron spray plus 0.5% urea mixed spray, the effect is better. If borax is selected, it should be dissolved with a small amount of warm water and then diluted with cold water before spraying.

4. Zinc spraying for high-quality cotton is a sensitive crop for zinc. In recent years, with the increase in the application of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer in the cotton field, the ratio of large amounts of elements and trace elements of zinc has been imbalanced. The rapid replenishment of zinc in the soil cannot be timely replenished, which affects the growth and development of cotton, and limits the increase of cotton yield and quality. The application of zinc fertilizer is beneficial to the synthesis of chlorophyll and auxin, can promote the absorption of nutrients by cotton, coordinate nutrient operation, and enhance photosynthesis. The application of zinc fertilizer solution to the foliar stage of cotton flowering and boll growth can increase the life of peripheral peaches and prolong functional leaves, increase the boll weight and lint, and increase the yield and improve quality. The foliar spray is a 0.2% zinc sulfate solution that is sprayed for 2 to 3 times, each time 30 kg of fertilizer solution per acre.

The foliar fertilizer should be sprayed before 9 o'clock in the morning or after 5 o'clock in the afternoon to extend the moistening time of the fertilizer solution on the leaves, which will facilitate the absorption of the leaves. Spray finely, especially focusing on spraying on the back of cotton leaves to promote absorption and increase fertilizer efficiency. In order to save the process and exert the synergistic effect of various nutrient elements, the above-mentioned various fertilizers can be mixed according to specific conditions. Can also be combined with pest control and pesticides to make it "a multi-effect spray." Note that foliar fertilizers should not be mixed with alkaline pesticides, and ash should not be mixed with other foliar foliar fertilizers. Phosphate fertilizers should not be mixed with zinc fertilizers.

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