Orchid common disease prevention

1. Diseases caused by Phytophthora infestans occur throughout the year, but during the rainy season, when watering is too humid or poorly ventilated, the disease is the most severe. Especially the seedlings that have just been bottled are the most vulnerable. Brown lesions were found at the site of infection, rapidly enlarged at high temperatures and humidity, and finally presented with dark brown spots. Dead leaves rotted until the plants died. Control methods: (1) Avoid excessive humidity, improve ventilation and ventilation conditions, and adequate light. (2) Avoid partial nitrogen fertilizers and reduce plant weakness. (3) Spray more than 1/800 of bacteriocin or 1/1000 of alive liquid. (4) The diseased wound is smeared with a large powder, then placed in a dry place, without watering for a week, to prevent the spread of the disease. 2. Anthrax illness: Planted too densely, poorly ventilated, watery or injured wounds and other susceptible diseases. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves produce brown depressions, which later expand into round or irregular lesions. In severe cases, there is gangrene in the center of the lesions. Control methods: (1) Do not grow too densely. Increased lighting; drainage and ventilation need to be good. (2) To cultivate strong seedlings, do not move the plants frequently so as to avoid injury and illness. (3) Cut out the diseased leaves and apply the wound with 1/500 times of Tai Sang-45 aqueous solution and 1/800 times of Tenacura. (4) Apply a 1/1000-fold thiophanate-methyl or buprenorphine solution once a week. 3, soft rot disease: spring and summer high temperature and humidity, poor ventilation, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer is more prone to this disease. In the early stage, bacteria invaded the leaves or the heart of the leaves to produce water-stained lesions, which rapidly expanded, contained more water, and later developed odor. The diseased leaves turned yellow and fell off, and the whole plant died of soft rot. The disease is extremely infectious and must be prevented and treated as soon as possible. Control methods: (1) Improve growth conditions, increase ventilation, reduce temperature and humidity. (2) Remove the sensible site and apply it with antibiotic powder. Do not water it for a week to stop the spread of the disease. (3) Use streptomycin 1000 times water, lime sulfur or Bordeaux 500 times water, spray once a week. 4, leaf blight illness: leaf tip produces black spots, gradually expanded into irregular lesions, the formation of lesions around the dark brown, the middle was pale gray brown, when the spread of the entire leaf, and finally withered leaves. Control methods: (1) Remove the diseased leaves and spray 500 times of Dasheng-45 or 1000 times better. (2) Sensitive plants should avoid rain or water suspension to prevent the disease from worsening. (3) Spray 500 times of Dasheng-45 once a day for prevention. 5, disease of the white peony disease: Cymbidium grandiflora is more prone to the disease, the initial pseudo-bulb at the base of the black and rot, and gradually produce white hyphae in the lesions, the diseased plants gradually withered and died. Control methods: (1) Remove the pseudobulbs with lesions, together with the planted pots and plant materials with fire. (2) Spray 500 times of Dasheng-45 liquid or 1000 times of water solution of carbendazim once a week.

Antibiotic: A drug used to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections. Originally, an antibiotic was a substance produced by one microorganism that selectively inhibits the growth of another. Synthetic antibiotics, usually chemically related to natural antibiotics, have since been produced that accomplish comparable tasks.

Antimicrobial: A drug used to treat a microbial infection(antibiotic drugs).

"Antimicrobial" is a general term that refers to a group of drugs that includes antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antivirals.

Antibiotic & Antimicrobial

β-lactam Antibiotics,Macrolide Antibiotics,Aminoglycoside Antibiotics,Quinolone Antimicrobial

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