Pigeon feeding and management

1, 1-7 days old pigeon feeding and management. As soon as the young pigeons hatch, the breeder should pay close attention to the feeding ability of the young pigeons, especially for the first born pigeons. When the pro-pigeon does not feed the pigeons, training should be done in a timely manner by manually inserting the pigeon's mouth into the pro-pigeon's mouth and repeating it several times until the pro-pigeon can help the pigeons to insert their mouths into their mouths to suck pigeons. Milk so far. The pigeons in this stage need to be tuned once every two days to adjust the size of a litter of only one young pigeon or two young pigeons, and consciously breast-feed 10% of the nursing pigeons with stronger constitutions. three. Generally not eager to put on the baffle, 6-7 days of age will need to set up the dovetail put on the baffle, indicating that it has been set, the next free adjustment. Three or four days later, the food intake of the pigeons increased day by day, so the pro-pigeon frequently fed pigeons, sometimes up to 10 times a day. Therefore, the nutrition provided to the relatives of the relatives is higher and the amount of beans can be increased. During the brooding period, the amount of foodstuffs of the relatives of the relatives of the relatives of the pigeons will also increase a lot, which is about 1 times more than that of non-bred pigeons. The pigeons have a large amount of food and have a lot of defecation. They can easily contaminate the nests. They should prepare more clean linen and replace them in time, because the pigeons' body resistance is very poor at this time. 2, 8-14 days old pigeon feeding and management. At the age of 1 week, the pigeons that are reserved for breeding should be brought in a timely manner to mark the time of birth and distinguish the sister pigeons. The pigeons grow up to about 10 days old. The relatives of pigeons begin to feed pellets. At this time, the pigeons have not yet adapted to pellet feeds. Indigenous dyspepsia and vesiculitis often occur. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to examinations and treat them in time. In this case, you can eat some stomach tablets for your pigeons to help digestion. 3,15-21 days old pigeon feeding and management. The 15-day-old pigeon has a body weight that is close to that of the pro-pigeon. The meat pigeon can reach 400-500 grams. Feather is also basically long Qi, activities freely, need to be fed capsule drugs and cod liver oil pills in a timely manner nesting plate, and depending on the climate, hot days earlier fall, when the days of freezing will be delayed. After a few of the pro birds have laid eggs, they are unwilling to feed the pigeons. Therefore, the pigeons should be fed artificially to ensure their normal growth. 4, 22-30 days old pigeon feeding and management. The pigeons will move around in their cages, but they will not be able to feed on their own but will still rely on their relatives. At this time, the pro-pigeon will start to force the pigeons to live independently and make a move not to care for the pigeons. Management should increase the supply of protein feeds to meet the needs. In addition, keep pigeonholes and nests clean. Cultivation and management of growing pigeons 1. Feeding and management of the first week after leaving the relatives. The sheds should be clean, with good light and ventilation, and they should be raised 8-12 per square metre, and each small group should be controlled at 150-200 pairs. One or two days after starting to leave the first-class pigeons, the sheds should be provided as small as possible. Granules and good quality feed. From the beginning of this week, add a small amount of salt in the drinking water, add b to the water twice a week, and add 0.1% potassium permanganate water once every two weeks. 2. Feeding management for the second week after leaving the pigeons. The food should be hygienic. In winter, doors and windows should be kept cold. In the evening, it is best to use infrared light bulbs to keep warm, prevent pigeons from catching colds and suffering from bronchitis, and pay attention to ventilated air in the summer and mosquitoes to prevent pigeonholes. 3. Feeding management for the third week after leaving the relatives. The diet should be hygienic and it must not be kept too dense and misuse of antibiotics. In particular, it is necessary to prevent paratyphoid fever, trichomoniasis and candida albicans. Once they are discovered and eliminated early, they should not be left for planting. 4. Feeding management for the fourth week after leaving the relatives. Part of the moulting began, attention should be paid to cleanliness, frequent cleaning of feces and feathers to prevent pigeon eyelid ophthalmia and respiratory diseases, moulting young pigeons are sensitive to the external environment, can easily cause colds and respiratory diseases, should do a good job of cold and warm work In feed formulas, energy feeds such as corn and wheat are also properly increased. Normal energy feeds can account for 85%-90%, and hemp seed is 5%-6% to promote feather renewal. 5, three to six months of feeding and management. Between three and five months of age, it is advisable to feed 2-3 times a day, eat about half an hour each time, to prevent the pigeons from becoming too fat or premature. Take away or flip the trough after eating to prevent contamination. Sand for health care should be sufficient, supplying 2-3 grams per pigeon per day. Maintain the cleanliness of drinking fountains, food troughs and sand troughs, feeds are not mildewed, and floors are often cleaned. Timely feeding of appropriate preventive drugs to prevent disease, regular deworming, worming once every 2 to 3 months of age. At the age of 5-6 months, the insects were repelled once and the insects were sprayed with 0.5% trichlorfon. At the age of 6 months, most of them are mature. Most of the pigeon's main wing feathers are changed to the last one. At this time, preparations before pairing should be done.

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