Convulsions follow four principles

The meaning of horror is that the weather is getting warmer, the spring thunder is beginning to dawn, and the insects awakening in the ground are hibernating. The recovery of all things after the convulsions is also the season when various viruses and bacteria are active. During the thrilling season, the body's yang-yang qi gradually rises. Yinxue is relatively insufficiency, and health care should be accompanied by the rise of yang and the characteristics of the origin of all things, so that its spirit, emotions, and qi and blood will be as smooth as the spring day. abundant. The following four principles should be followed during the convulsions of health and health care. Let's take a look.

First, prevent diseases

Righteousness memory, evil can not be done. "In other words, if the human body is upright, the evil will not easily invade the body and it will not cause disease. Therefore, it is very important to enhance physical fitness and improve the body's resistance to disease.

The spirit must maintain a good, calm and good attitude, and should not incite anger, or liver is too full, susceptible to dizziness, dizziness, stroke and mental illness.

Corresponding to the liver in the spring, if improper health can hurt the liver. At the time of convulsions, it is a season of high incidence of liver disease. Influenza, epidemic encephalitis, chickenpox, herpes zoster, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, etc. are all susceptible to epidemic outbreaks in this climate, so we must guard against such diseases.

Second, diet:

1. Eat light foods, fresh vegetables rich in plant protein, vitamins

The frightened weather is obviously warming, and the diet should be dull and dull, and the nature of the liver should be taken to help the temper and make the five internal organs peaceful. Should eat more light foods rich in plant protein, vitamins, fresh vegetables, such as bamboo shoots, spinach, celery, chicken, eggs, milk, duck blood, aloe vera, water radish, bitter gourd, fungus, rape, yam, lotus seeds, white fungus, etc. food.

2, eat pears

At the time of horror, it was warm and cold, and the climate was relatively dry. It was easy to make the population dry and coughing. Pear cold and sweet, have lungs and cough, nourishing yin and clearing heat effect, folks are often surprised to eat pears. There are many ways to eat pears, such as raw food, steaming, juicing, baking or boiling water.

3, Eat less animal fat foods

Diet should be light, greasy foods should be eaten as little as possible, and irritating foods such as peppers, onions, and peppers should also be eaten less.

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