Green Love - Evergreen

The evergreen green is the most natural green. It is dotted with dimly-lit rooms, making an ordinary room full of brilliance. But care is not good, it will also be abortive, so you have to understand the secrets of its youth ... Guangdong evergreen Aglaonemamodestum Guangdong evergreen is also known as thick rib grass, is Araceae, is a herbaceous foliage plants, native to China and other places in Guangdong. The leaves are dark green, oval, 16-20cm long, 7-9cm wide, apex acuminate, base rounded. The petiole is about 13 cm long, and the base is sheathed with stems. Plant height 30-50cm. Evergreen Guangdong is a native foliage plant that has a long history of cultivation and has been widely used in indoor cultivation. Evergreen in Guangdong is hot and humid, extremely resistant to yin, and cultivated under shade in the summer. In the hot season, the water is sprayed twice a day, and the leaves are sprayed. The indoor decoration is not too long even if the light is dark. The temperature begins to grow above 15C. It must be kept above 4°C for overwintering, and watering should be avoided. The basin soil should be slightly dry to increase the cold resistance. The pot soil can be mixed with garden soil and rot leaf soil. It is advisable to apply liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium during the growth period and apply it once a month. Propagation is often used for stems, cut into 3-5cm sections. It also can directly cut ramets. For cuttings before cuttings, it is best to stick grass ash. After drying, insert into the sand bed. Generally, rooting occurs within 15-20 days, and breeding is easy. Cantonese evergreen can be potted for viewing, and can also be bottled with water to keep the plants inside. This way the water plant is cleaner, more convenient and more fun. The evergreen leaves of Guangdong are always elegant and the size of the plant is moderate. It has always been loved by scholars. Its extremely shade-tolerant character is particularly suitable for the decoration of Chinese traditional buildings' halls and studies. Evergreen Dieffenbachiacv. Exotica is a perennial herb, also known as a snow-capped eel, native to Costa Rica. It is a perennial evergreen herb plant of the Araceae family. Plant height 45-65cm, leaf length 19-21cm, width 10-11cm, long oval, green edge, the central distribution of white, yellow patches or stripes, leaf buds often grow small buds. Petiole with stems, 9-12cm long. 25-30 °C is best suited for the growth of evergreen leaves. Winter should be kept above 10°C. Generally should be placed in a bright indoor place. Summer is in a shaded place. Avoid direct sunlight in summer. In the growing season, it must be fully watered to thrive. In summer, the leaves need to be sprayed with water, and the leaves do not spray for a long time. Variegated Evergreen is not strict with the planting soil. Common gardens can be planted with sand and cultivated. Generally, small buds growing on leafhoppers are cut. Cut stem cuttings can also be rooted in the first half of life, and can be put on the basin after 1 month. The evergreen and beautiful markings and graceful stance of variegated leaves give people a feeling of joyfulness and liveliness, which is most suitable for the modern architectural interior decoration. It can be cultivated separately or planted under the plant's tall, dark green plants as a foil. This will make the green flowerbed look more lively and bright, like green seawater, which will stimulate a layer of spray. Queen Evergreen Aglaonemacv. Malay Beauty Queen Emerald, also known as long-handled silk grass, is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant of Araceae. Plant height 5O-60cm, leaf length 20-30cm, width 6-8cm, long needle-shaped, gray-green patches between veins occupy more than half of the leaf surface, petiole is also up to 10-15cm, morphology and belong to the same Golden Queen More similar. The Queen of Evergreen loves high temperature, humidity, and strong nature, and is commonly cultivated indoors. Even if you stay in dark places for a long period of time, it will not be long. However, it is best to see more sunlight in the winter to facilitate more robust plant growth and more beautiful leaves. The cultivation soil does not require high quality, as long as it is mixed with garden soil and sand, the texture can be loose. The hot summer should be fully watered and often spray the leaves. During the growing season, liquid fertilizer is applied once a month. When not cultivated, nutrient solution or long-acting fertilizer can be applied. The method of breeding the sub-plants is the same as that of the jade emperor. The suitable cultivation temperature is 18-32°C. Keeping the room temperature above 8°C will allow safe wintering. The leaves of Evergreen's evergreen leaves are relatively light, and the potted plants alone are not beautiful enough. They should be mixed with the jadeite, a dark green color, in order to show their graceful and pleasant appearance. The king evergreen Dieffcnbachiaamoenacv. The ever-changing young king of TropicSnow, also known as "Several Whitefly" and "Princess", is a perennial herb of the evergreen species of the genus Euphorbiaceae. Stems are stout, like bamboo, growing upright. Plant height 70-120cm. Leaf blade length 32-40cm, width 16-20cm, oval, green part of the edge, the center has yellow-white patches. Petiole length 12-15cm, is a large-scale foliage plant. The ornamental value is relatively high. Native to Colombia, Costa Rica. The king evergreen is generally cultivated in a garden or sandy loam soil and a mixture of humus and earth. High temperature and humidity, drought resistance, strong negative resistance. 25-30C is best for its growth. Always water and spray in the summer. Excessive watering or hot weather is prone to stalk rot at the root neck. It prefers soft diffuse light and is more fertile. The growing season requires a relatively large amount of fertilizer, and more nitrogen and potassium fertilizers should be applied. The king evergreen is not easy to grow lateral buds. The breeding method is usually to cut the top of the stem and insert it into the sand bed. Care must be taken when inserting the plug to prevent it from getting too wet so as not to cause rot in the cut. Although it is a high-temperature variety, it has a cold-resistance stronger than other species, and it can withstand low temperatures of 5°C. Generally after entering late October, watering should be gradually reduced to enhance cold resistance. The temperature in winter is best kept above 8°C. The king evergreen is the largest plant in herbaceous foliage plants. Upright and upright, magnificent. Foliage flourishes, placing 2 pots in a luxurious living room will make you feel modern and vibrant.


The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.


1. Primary agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency, etc.

2. Secondary immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of newborn, etc

3. Autoimmune diseases, such as primary thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease

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