
Kelp twigs are long and dense, like a brocade, which is a deciduous shrub of the family Caprifoliaceae and the genus Kelp. The yard is planted about 2 meters high. The potted plants can develop full-sized, flowery medium and small pots, 20 cm to 30 cm tall. Leaves opposite, elliptic to ovate-elliptic or obovate. The apex is acuminate, the base is rounded, and the edges are serrated. Leaves dark green, abaxially bluish-white, pubescent or downy on veins. One to four flowers are used to make a corymbose inflorescence, with the tip of the branchlet or leaf axil, corolla funnel-shaped bell-shaped, with a flower diameter of about 3 cm, purple to pale pink, and flowering from April to June. Capsule columnar, fruit ripening period of 10 months. In the past 100 years, hundreds of horticultural types and varieties have been selected through crossbreeding. Seen in the cultivation of beautiful damask flowers, the flowers are light pink and the leaves are small. White daisies flowers, white flowers. Discolored damask flowers, greenish at the beginning and red at the beginning. Carnation flowers with white to yellow leaves. Purple brocade flowers, leaves with purple halo, purple pink flowers and so on. Commonly cultivated are sea daffodils, alias civilian flowers, which are very similar to the Jinhua flowers. The flower is initially white, sub-green, sub-half, and sub-purple, and it is resistant to ornamental. Roadside flowers, branchlets finely short-brown, dark red flowers, flowering twice a year in May and August. Jinhua flowers are produced in Northeast China, North China, and East China, and Russia, Japan, and North Korea are also distributed. Sex hi warm and humid climate, but also cold and drought. Hi light is sufficient, and it is also slightly shade-tolerant. It is strong and resistant, and does not require strict soil. Usually ramets or cuttings reproduce. The plants were divided and propagated. Before the sprouting in early spring, the plants were clustered and divided into 4 trees from 5 to 5 branches. The bare roots were planted in the deep soil of the garden soil and were not low in the plot area. Cut propagation, using conventional green branch cuttings. In June, after flowering, cut thick branches that grow about 15 centimeters, remove the leaves from the lower part of the soil, and insert it in fine sand, vermiculite, or peat soil, buckle the membrane, shade, keep warm, moisturize, and plant after rooting. . Jinhua has a strong tree vigor and is easy to cultivate and manage. When planting the land, appropriate amount of organic fertilizer is applied during the planting. After each winter, a shallow ditch is applied around the rhizosphere for composting. During the growing season, it is generally no longer suitable for top dressing. Usually watering should not be too much, spring, summer and autumn drought season, can be poured 1 to 2 times water. In the rainy season, we need to drain water and prevent flooding. Pouring antifreeze water once in winter, windproof dry drawing. Before sprouting every spring in early spring, only the old disabled branches are removed and the flowers are trimmed after pruning. Every 2 to 3 years to make an update trim. Potted seedlings with fertilizer on soil diameter 13 cm to 20 cm pots, plastic pruning to maintain a new branch evenly full, winter into the greenhouse conservation, see the Spring Festival is blossoming.

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