
Scientific name: Pritchardiapacifica

Family: Palmaceae

Category: Palm

place of origin:

Fiji Islands, Moya


Single shot, 8 to 10 meters high, smooth. Leaf palmate, fan-shaped, leaf folds, apex fissures.

The palm of Fijian is a plant of the palm family. It is similar to the common hibiscus and tyrannosaurus we usually see. However, it gives a sense of elegance.

The beautiful South Pacific island of Fiji has unique and mysterious customs.

The village is the most basic form of organization in Fiji. The current president is Joseph, and Iloilo is from the village of Vissai. The village is thus known as the "Fiji First Village."

In Fijian villages, there is a special rule that no one can wear a hat or touch the child's head. Only the head of the village may have the privilege of wearing a hat; touching the head of another person is the greatest humiliation of others. More than 100 years ago, it may lead to a disaster. In 1867, a British missionary took a comb from the head of a local chieftain and was hacked and cooked by angry natives.

Now the Fijians have fully entered the modern civilization, but the custom of not touching the head of others remains.

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