Pregnant women can not eat what fruit?

“Eating an apple a day, the doctor stays away from me.” There is a new piece of evidence in this proverb. A recent survey by researchers found that women who eat more apples during pregnancy can greatly reduce their childhood asthma risk.

It seems that the benefits of fruits are really many, not only beneficial to the physical health of pregnant Mommy, but also to the benefit of future generations. However, eating fruit is also stressful. It is not always better. Below, let Doudou Ma introduce us to the precautions of eating fruits during pregnancy.

Which fruits are most suitable for pregnant Mommy?

NO.1 - Orange

Nutritional value: Orange is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, carotene, citric acid, etc., with thirst, gas and phlegm, spleen Wenwei, solution oily, consumer product, bowel purge, sober Such effects, eat more can prevent gallbladder disease, increase capillary toughness, lower blood cholesterol, and promote the body's ability to absorb drugs.

Note: orange cool, before meals or fasting unfit for human consumption, otherwise unfavorable to the stomach; do not drink milk within 1 hour before and after eating oranges, so as not to affect the digestion and absorption; eat oranges should brush their teeth in time gargle, so as not to harm the oral teeth.

For the crowd: especially suitable for indigestion, excessive drinking, hangovers who are not awake and hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis consumption.

Not suitable for the crowd: diabetics should not eat.

NO.2 - oranges

Nutritional value: orange is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., have the effect of reducing cholesterol absorption, blood fat, anti-atherosclerosis, often eat oranges to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease There are benefits and can prevent older strokes.

Note: orange temperature, eat too much orange will appear "to get angry", induced glossitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis, etc.; a lot of eating oranges, there may be hypercarotenemia, resulting in hand, palm metaplasia Yellow, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and other symptoms; oranges and radish, milk should not be the same food.

For the crowd: chronic hepatitis and hypertension patients, eat more sweet orange can improve liver detoxification, accelerate cholesterol conversion, prevent arteriosclerosis.

Not suitable for the crowd: children and the elderly should not eat; gastrointestinal, kidney, lung function Deficiency should not eat.

NO.3 - Banana

Nutritional value: Bananas are delicious, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and potassium, magnesium, sodium and other minerals, can effectively protect the health of skin and hair, and can prevent stroke and high blood pressure. At the same time, there are calming sleep, laxative, lungs and cough, heat detoxification, help digestion and nourishing effect, is also very effective in weight loss.

Precautions: Bananas are cold and excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal disorders, and cause the imbalance of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements in the body, causing harm to health.

Suitable for the crowd: especially suitable for fever, thirst, constipation, hemorrhoids and weight loss.

Not suitable for the crowd: physical Deficiency, such as bloating, diarrhea, nephritis, it is best to eat less. Patients with obvious edema and need to ban salt should not eat too much.

NO.4 - Apple

Nutritional value: Apple is rich in sugars and potassium salts. It has the effects of thirst, lungs, spleen, and nourishing qi. It can promote gastrointestinal motility, regulate the stomach, cure constipation and help digestion, and can maintain the stability of blood sugar. It can reduce cholesterol and prevent gallstones.
Note: Do not eat fruit before meals, so as not to affect the normal eating and digestion; Apple intake too much, is not conducive to heart and kidney health.

For the crowd: It is very suitable for infants, young people and other people with weaker constitution.

Not suitable for the crowd: nephritis and diabetes should not eat more.

NO.5 - pear

Nutritional value: Pear is rich in sugar and vitamins, and has the functions of regulating lung, relieving cough and phlegm, nourishing and strengthening muscles, clearing the lungs to dryness, nourishing the stomach, and lowering blood pressure, sedating heat, protecting the liver, and helping digestion. .

Note: pears are sweet and cold, and should not be eaten too much in the winter. Excessive food can cause coldness and impede the stomach, affect digestion, and cause gastrointestinal disorders.

Suitable for people: especially suitable for patients with fever and internal heat. Especially suitable for hyperactivity cough, pediatric wind-heat, throat sore throat, dry stool and other symptoms. Hypertensive patients who have dizziness, heart palpitations and tinnitus, often eat pears can relieve symptoms.

Not suitable for the crowd: people with defiant physique, weak spleen and stomach, and postpartum blood deficiency should eat less.

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