Autumn Health Taizishen Lily Soup

In the blink of an eye, Bai Lu has already arrived. In the vast north, it may already be able to feel the deep autumn. In the south, the weather is still hot. Autumn is a dry season. It is suitable for eating foods that moisturize the lungs, moisturize the yin, and moisten dryness. At this time, it is not suitable to make up for it, and it should be based mainly on cleanup. Let's have a soup with nourishing yin and moistening today.

Pseudostellaria lily soup

Ingredients: 25 grams of heterophylla, 15 grams of lily, 1/4 of grosvenor, 250 grams of lean pork (no good meat was found on that day, so 400 grams of pork bone was used instead)

Water 1000ml [Note: Vegetarians do not add meat, instead add two sweet corn]

Put all the materials in a fast place, and use the old fire soup stall for 2 and a half hours.

Use open flame soup to put the material into the casserole, the fire boiled and low heat for 2 hours


Pseudostellaria heterophylla is flat, sweet and slightly bitter.

Lily: sweet, slightly cold, can be lungs and cough, soothe the nerves.

Luo Hanguo: Gan, sour, cool, there is the role of heat and cooling blood, thirst, lungs and phlegm.

Therefore, this soup has the effect of replenishing vital energy, boosting lungs, relieving cough, and calming the nerves. Suitable for those who suffer from shortness of breath, cough, shortness of breath, dry throat, cough, and insomnia caused by Qi deficiency and lung dryness.

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