Feeding technology for fish with compound feed

With the increase of aquaculture level, the compound feed for fish is generally accepted. The feed amount per unit of aquaculture area is increasing year by year. At present, the feed cost in many ponds has accounted for 70% to 80% of the total culture cost, and the feed for fish has been increased. It is very important to feed technology, improve feed utilization, and reduce waste.
1 Factors affecting fish feeding and digestion Factors affecting fish feeding include: environmental factors (such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, water quality), physical factors (such as the exchange rate of water, culture methods), and management factors (such as feeding rate and feeding frequency).
1.1 Dissolved oxygen The amount of dissolved oxygen in water has a great influence on fish intake, feed digestion and absorption and fish growth. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is low, the appetite of the fish is poor, or the anorexia is poor. The digestion and absorption rate of the feed after eating is low, the growth rate is slow, and the feed coefficient is high. Some data show that when the fish grows at the optimal temperature, the dissolved oxygen in the water is less than 3.5mg/L, and the feed coefficient above 3.5mg/L is increased by 1 time. The experiment indicated that the feed coefficient of grass carp dissolved in oxygen 2.5-3.4mg/L in grass carp was higher by 1.34 times than that in feed of 7.0-9.0mg/L, and the food intake decreased by 35.9%. When the water temperature of the carp is 20-30°C, it is necessary to ensure normal feeding and growth. The oxygen content in the water should not be lower than 4.0 to 6.0 mR/L. When the amount of oxygen in the water is 2.0-0.5 mg, the diet of salmon will be reduced by half. Long-term exposure to such low oxygen conditions can cause growth to stop and even reduce weight. When the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water reaches 4 mg or more, the appetite of the fish increases and the feed digestibility increases. Therefore, when feeding, attention should be paid to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water and changes in the weather. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is low, the fish floats its head, and it is generally not fed. After the dissolved oxygen in the water is improved, it is fed. In the pond culture, normal weather is normal. After the sun comes out, about 2 hours (9 to 10 hours), the dissolved oxygen in the pond water can reach 4 mg/L or more. At this time, the feeding effect is better.
1.2 Water temperature Fishes are hypothermic animals. Water temperature has an important influence on the fish's feeding intensity. Within the appropriate temperature range, the increase of water temperature has a significant effect on the ingestion intensity of farmed fish. As the water temperature decreases, the fish's metabolic levels also decrease, leading to loss of appetite and growth. The main fish cultured in China, such as green grass, grass, chain, system, pupa, threshing, etc., are all wide-temperature fish, and have a wide range of adaptability to water temperature, and can survive in 1~38°C water temperature, but The suitable growth temperature is 20-32°C. The squid grows fastest when the water temperature is 25 to 30°C, and when the water temperature drops to 15°C, the growth is inhibited. If the water temperature falls below 13°C, the activity of foraging is greatly reduced. Above 13°C, when the temperature is increased by 10°C, the food intake increases by 2 to 3 times. Grass carp has the highest metabolic level at 27-30°C, and it also has the highest food intensity. When the water temperature dropped to 20 °C, its growth rate decreased significantly. At a water temperature of 17°C, the intestinal filling index of grass carp decreased by 10% compared to 21°C.
2 Feeding Technology The correct and reasonable feeding method is conducive to improving the feed utilization, reducing waste, reducing the feed coefficient, and improving the efficiency of aquaculture. Feeding techniques include determining the optimum amount of feed, number of feedings, time of feeding, and feeding method.
2.1 Determination of the amount of bait to grasp the most appropriate amount This is the key and core of feeding technology. Overfeeding causes waste and can pollute the water and cause illness. The lack of feeding can not meet the energy and nutritional needs of fish, so that fish can not maintain weight and reduce production, also caused a waste of food. Using the best food, the best growth rate and population yield is the optimum amount of feed.
Feeding amount for the whole year can be calculated based on the feed's feed coefficient and expected output:
Feeding amount throughout the year = feed coefficient Estimated net production Monthly feeding amount = Annual feed amount Monthly allocation ratio After finding the total amount of feed for the whole year, and then according to the distribution ratio of each month, and according to the pond eat fish weight, specifications, water temperature Determine the amount of daily feeding. Every 10 days, adjust once according to the weight gain of the fish.
Daily reference feeding amount = total body weight of fish that eats water ((corresponding water temperature, specification)) Reference feeding rate Feeding rate is the number of feeds (kg) per 100 kg of fish per d. Factors affecting the rate of feeding are colored specifications, Water temperature, dissolved oxygen in water, feeding and management, etc., the bait rate increased with the increase of water temperature at the appropriate temperature, and decreased with the increase of fish size.The reference feeding rate in the fish stage was about the weight of the fish. From 4% to 6%, the reference feeding rate at the stage of fineness was about 1.5% to 3% of the fish weight.
2.2 Daily feeding amount adjustment Daily feeding amount is adjusted flexibly according to season, weather, water color and fish feeding conditions.
(1) Feeding of fish in ponds Feeding amount is generally about 70% to 80% of the total amount of feed (most fish eat away and only a small amount of fish is baited on the surface). Tests have proved that whether individual or group control the amount of bait to achieve “eight-point fullness” is better than keeping feed to “full-saturation”, it is beneficial to keep the fish’s strong appetite and increase feed utilization.
(2) The weather is fine in the weather. The dissolved oxygen in the water is high. The fish population is in high demand. It should be suitable for many shots. On the contrary, the weather is hot and the rain is continuous. The dissolved oxygen in the water is low, and the fish’s appetite is weak. To make the water worse, you should cast less or not.
(3) Water quality in ponds Fish are respiratory animals in baboons. Oxygen is a limiting factor in aquaculture. The level of dissolved oxygen directly affects fish growth and feed efficiency. The water quality is refreshing, and the fish population is eating well and should throw more water; the water quality is not good, too fat, too strong, the fishes have poor appetite, and the residual bait is easy to make the pool water worse and should be thrown less; the water quality is bad, when the fish has floated, it should be Feeding is prohibited.
(4) Water temperature in ponds The food intake of fish is significantly affected by changes in water temperature. In the optimum temperature range, the increase of water temperature has a significant effect on the feeding intensity of farmed fish. When the water temperature decreases, the fish's metabolism level decreases, leading to loss of appetite and impeded growth. When the water temperature is above 8°C, it starts feeding. Above 10°C, it began to grow. Before and after the beginning of spring, it began to ingest food. Before and after Qingming, with the increase of water temperature, the food intake increased. However, when the high temperature season exceeded the appropriate temperature, the food intake decreased, and the feeding amount should be reduced.
(5) Feeding during the breeding season should grasp the feeding pattern of “early eating, catching the middle, and taking two feeds”. The feeds for the whole year will be mainly concentrated in the seasons from June to September. The fish will eat well and grow fastest. In the season, the feeding work should be done as early as possible before April. After October, the feeding should be prolonged and the food should be stopped before the harvest to ensure that the fish do not fall out. While using full-priced compound feed, the local feed resources are fully utilized to cultivate grasses, mothers, and spun fish. When the grass is rich, some grass is fed. When the herring is cultured, some snails, ships, etc. can be fed, but not all. The feed is fed at the same time.
2.3 The success of domestication and domestication of fish schools is related to the utilization rate of feed and the economic benefits of aquaculture. When other conditions are basically the same, three different feeding methods are adopted: throwing mud, setting up water in the water, and feeding on the surface. The coefficients are 2, 1.7 and 1.5 in order. This set of figures shows that for every 1,000g of grass carp weight added, 2000g of feed is required for withdrawal into the mud method, and only 1500g of feed is required for surface domestication, and 1.8 yuan for every 1000g of feed. The latter saves 0.90 yuan more than the former if 666.7 square meters of water are used. The net production of grass carp 600kg, then every 666.7 square meters (mu) of water can save feed costs 540 yuan. Domesticated fish populations can increase their feed intake according to the fish's diet. Therefore, domesticated fish should be fed upstream to catch food.
Feeding points are convenient for transporting feed, water depth is about 2m, and it is easy to prevent theft at night. Feed the feed at a fixed position every day and use a wooden board to extend the springboard about 3m into the pool for people to sit or place a feeding machine to prevent the fish from destroying the fish pond and avoiding the fish crowding, so that the fish can feed on a wide range evenly.
In the upwelling sunny side of the middle of the fish pond, a simple bait station was set up, and a domesticated fish colony was used to snare in a fixed position upstream for 1 week. A few days before the normal feeding, use half-starvation. Domestication begins with water splashing or knocking on the barrel before launching a sound, stimulating the fish to excite, and then withdrawing a small pellet feed, repeated every 10 to 10 seconds, each training 20 to 30 minutes, domestication work must be patient and meticulous, Whether or not the fish eats food, insist on it. After 1 week of domestication, the fish can easily cause conditioned reflexes and gradually develop habits of fixed-point floating colonies. The use of expanded material can save the domestication of fish, save labor and reduce waste.
Specialized aquatic products (yellowhead, yellow mullet, black mullet) expanded feed domestication method: the first extrudate is soaked with fish slurry (after washing with fresh bait and washed with gauze) and then gradually reducing the amount of fresh bait fish slurry until Domestication is successful. This process takes about one week. After successful domestication, it is forbidden to feed fresh bait. The extruded material can be soaked with fresh water first, so as to avoid ingestion of filthy water when the feed is directly fed, causing gastrointestinal inflammation.
2.4 The feeding method must be patient and careful when feeding. When feeding the feed, it should be done as soon as possible that feed into the water can be quickly eaten by the fish. Do not feed the feed once to the pond. This will cause the feed to be lost without being fed by the fish, resulting in low feed utilization. One by one, the feed should be withdrawn into the water. The fish quickly gather together and concentrate on the surface of the water to catch food. The water splashes and then disperses the water to feed. Water patterns appear on the water. The big fish first compete for food and small fish compete for food. From intense to slow, when the fish is full, they will walk away.
Feeding should be based on the principles of “invading, fast, slow” and “less, more, and less”. When feeding is started, feed slowly with a small amount of feed, and increase the amount of feed when the fish are trapped together to catch food. , speed up the frequency of feeding, so that most of the fish have eaten slowly walk, and then reduce the amount of feeding, slow feeding frequency, and finally stop feeding. The feed should be withdrawn by hand one by one and the radius of the cloth removed should be more than 1m. The feeding speed should be coordinated with the feeding speed of the fish. Each feeding should last 20-30min. With the development of intensive fish farming and the popularity of pellet feed, bait feeders can be used in places where conditions permit, so that the fish can feed evenly, but they still need to be guarded by people, so that they can keep abreast of the situation of fish feeding and adjust the speed of feeding. How many. The puffed fish feed method adopts fixed-point feeding and is fixed into squares or triangles with bamboo, and the puffed feed is put into it. For the stormy waves, the reservoir can be used to enclose a bait. The mesh is 50cm high, 25cm above the water surface, and 25cm below the water. It is fixed with bamboo.
2.5 Feeding times The fish species are fed 4 to 5 times, and the adult fish is fed 2 to 3 times. The smaller the fish size, the more feeding times. Each interval of 3 ~ 4h, the interval should be uniform. Adult fish ponds are usually cultured at 9 to 10 o'clock everyday, 16 to 17 o'clock each at 1 o'clock, and rainy days at no more than 18 o'clock. Feeding should be done at a suitable temperature during the day (20 to 32 oC). When the water temperature is 32°C, the feeding time should be postponed. In the morning, if the floating head should wait 1 to 2 hours after the normal feeding, then feed again. The breeding of foot fish needs to increase the number of feedings, which generally takes 5-6 times or more times per day.

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Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

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