Late spring and summer feeding and management

The spring and summer season is an important stage for the growth and development of earthworms. Under the conditions of normal temperature farming, raising farmers should timely carry out rearing and management in accordance with changes in local climatic conditions.
1 In early spring, the temperature in early spring was low and unstable, and the eel that recovered from the eel was greatly influenced by it. The activity ability and digestive ability were weak, and death was more. As the saying goes, "It's easy to get over the winter and it's easy to get over the winter. It's sad to be in the spring." The crickets that died in the early spring were mostly male crickets that had not been stocked with adequate nutrients before hibernation and who had not returned to their hibernation after mating. In the early spring, besides smoky sun in the warm and windless days, there is very little activity at night. If feeding at this time will cause indigestion, abdominal distension, and even death.
There is no need to provide food for feeding, and management is also focused on keeping warm and keeping warm. After the Ching Ming period, the temperature rises, and there is an increase in the number of acupuncture activities during the day and night. Fresh and digestible foods can be fed to the larvae of Tenebrio molitor, Chinese worm, and grasshopper. The amount of feeding is not much less, the young quail feeding 4 to 5 days, Chengyu 7 to 8 days feeding 1, if the first day of feeding more than the next day, must be appropriate reductions. At this stage, attention should be paid to adjusting the humidity in Dianchi Lake. The relative humidity of the air should be 60% to 70%. During the production, the humidity around the ground and the earthworms should be adjusted by spraying water, ventilation, and soil. The soil with certain humidity can make use of the special physiological functions of indirect moisture absorption in all age groups to regulate the body's water content. At this stage, in feeding and management, avoid eating too much food prematurely or overeating so as not to cause bloating and death.
2 Summer feeding management Summer is the peak season for cricket activities. In addition to feeding enough bait, we must also pay attention to armpit safety and pest control.
After the beginning of summer, you can lift the cold and keep warm measures, according to the specific circumstances, properly control the type and quantity of bait, usually 4 to 6 days for bait once.
After the scented species, all ages have entered the appropriate stages of growth and development, with a large amount of activity, enhanced digestion, and rapid growth and development. The management focus at this time was to increase the amount of feeding and feeding, and began to use the water supply.
Before and after the summer heat, all ages entered the most prosperous stage of growth and development, males and females were prepared to copulate, and females were ready for farrowing. At this time the food to feed live food, meat-based, such as Tenebrio molitor, Earthworm, worms, cockroaches, moth larvae, etc., supplemented with melon, leaves, tender corn to make water. The housekeeping or light-protection conditions are good. They can come out during the day and can feed bait once during the day. However, the amount of feed should not be too large to prevent leftovers from rotting due to high temperatures and cause black rot.
Into the summer season, the weather is often rainy, and the air is humid and hot. At this time, the mortuary should pay attention to ventilation and ventilation, and can open windows and doors in the windless days to circulate air. The bait is mainly fed with live food, and the dead insects and leftovers in the mortuary are promptly eliminated to prevent mildew from causing diseases. In case of high temperature and dry weather, indoor and pool can be sprayed with water and moisturizing. The amount of water spray should be small and even, so that the humidity in the pool should be maintained at about 65%. At this stage, it is necessary to systematically organize the breeding of the quail and the separation of the mother and the beast, and regularly brush the food dish and the water dish to prevent the occurrence of spotty disease, black rot, and illness.
3 Spring and summer disease prevention
3.1 The causes of abdominal distension are caused by low temperatures in early spring and indigestion due to feed intake. The patient's abdomen is uplifted, the activity is dull, and it is indigestion. It often dies in about 10 days. Production should be strengthened in the spring insulation, to prevent premature feeding, can also be multi-enzyme tablets 1g long-acting sulfonamide 0.1g, 100g bait fed into the disease sickness.
3.2 Scabby causes the environment to be humid and the temperature is high, causing the parasitism of green molds to be caused by the steroids. The common disease, head, chest, back plate, and anterior abdomen appear yellow-brown or reddish-brown dot-like mildew, spread to four weeks, and bulge into pieces. The beginning of the illness is disturbed and the activity is reduced. The late period is sluggish and does not eat until it dies. The body of the diseased corpse is filled with a mass of green mycorrhizal mycelium. Prevention: Wash the basins and food bowls frequently, turn over the tiles, put up soil, and disinfect with 0.1% potassium permanganate. Once onset, the disease was isolated, and 1 piece of chloramphenicol was mixed into 1 kg of bait and fed, and he was fed 5 to 7 days to heal.
3.3 Black rot. Infection with black fungus due to ingestion of corrupt food, or environmental pollution, unclean drinking water. Abdominal bloating in the early stage of the disease, black, loss of appetite; late stage of the disease in the abdomen with black corruption ulcer lesions, extrusion with black mucus outflow, short duration of the disease, high mortality. During the breeding process, bait and drinking water should be prevented from being contaminated. Once onset, the sickness should be regularly removed and sterilized with 1% to 2% formalin. After the disease was isolated, feed 1g of grazing maternal and 0.5g of erythromycin and 300g of bait and feed until cured.
3.4 Slenderness caused by sudden attacks of high temperature and high humidity. At the beginning of the disease, the hernias panicked and agitated, followed by irritability, then the limbs became softened, the function was lost, the tail dragged and the body pigment deepened, and paralysis occurred. The course of the disease is short and the onset of death does not exceed 2 hours. Prevention: Once the disease is found, immediately strengthen the ventilation of the mortuary room to reduce the temperature and humidity; also can catch all urine timely replenishment, add a little salt and sugar in the hot water at 30 ~ 35 °C, spray the body, wait until the room After the pool has normal temperature and humidity, it is put into rearing.

 u=2066981341,3412140513&fm=214&gp=0Runner bean name pouch bean (Phaseolus coccineus Linn.), also known as spend Beans, African beans beans and look brown rice, legume plants of the genus Phaseolus.Perennial twining herb, root and stem of 2-4 meters long or too, pinnate 3 flocculus, stipule small, lobules ovate or oval shape diamond, spend more on a leaf on the long peduncles, arranged in raceme, pods sickle oblong, seeds broadly oblong, apex obtuse, dark purple and erythema, black or red, thin is white.Pouch bean requirements, cool, moist climate grow warm 12 ~ 17 ℃, high temperature region types for or high temperature disorder, often spend but not solid, appropriate fertile soil rich in organic matter.Pouch is native to Central America, is now widely cultivated the temperate regions, northeast, north China to southwest has cultivated in China.Runner beans often cultivated for ornament, in Central America, but its tender pod also for food, seeds or roots.

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