Pomegranate tree is not a result of what is going on?

The main reason for the failure of the pomegranate tree is mismanagement. According to the summary of production practices, the reasons for the failure of the pomegranate tree to reach the end of the results are mainly in the following areas:

1. Insufficient light. Pomegranate is a hi light plant. During its vegetative growth and flowering, insufficient light or rainy weather can cause pomegranate trees to fail. Insufficient light will cause the plants to grow relatively vegetatively, which is not conducive to the accumulation of nutrients in the body, thus affecting the reproductive growth, and thus falling off immediately after flowering; if the flowering encounter continuous rainy weather, the pistil can not be normally fertilized, resulting in Its light blossoms without result.

2. Nutrition does not match. Pomegranate flowering period is very sensitive to water and nitrogen fertilizer. Many people think that the water and nutrients needed for the pomegranate flowering period are large. Therefore, a lot of fertilizer and water are used. As a result, the vegetative growth of the pomegranate is too strong, resulting in a large number of flowering and fruit falling.

3. The degradation of the flower. Floral development and fruit growth are largely governed by nutritional status. Insufficient nutrients cause poor floral development of fruit trees, resulting in degenerated flowers and deformed flowers that fall off after flowering.

4. Branches are dense and prosperous. The pomegranate grows fast, and can be taken twice a year. Dense branches and standing twigs not only affect the ventilation and light transmission, but also compete with the fruit and fruit, affect the fruit setting and reduce the quality. At the same time, it is easy for the pomegranate to suffer from pests and diseases.

As long as the cause is identified, it will be easy for the pomegranate to bloom. In response to the above-mentioned problems, the following measures are mainly adopted for scientific management:

1. The entire growing season of the pomegranate guarantees sufficient light, as long as there is no shortage of water, the pomegranate is not afraid of glare.

2. Strengthen the management of fertilizers and waters. During the growth period, phosphorus and potassium are the main components, and nitrogen fertilizers should not be used to prevent flowering and fruit setting. In addition, in the late autumn leaves before the end of a full application of organic fertilizer after dormancy, promote the spring of the next year, germination, rapid and strong branches. It is best to loose fertile, sandy loam soil.

3. According to the long flowering period of the pomegranate tree and the low fruit setting rate, the flowering and fruit preserving work will be actively carried out. In the pomegranate tree before flowering, young fruit, fruit expansion phase spray fertilizer, combined with melon fruit Zhuang Ti Ling, promote pomegranate tree self-regulation nutrition matching, strong pedicle, Paul, flower protection.

4. Remove excess sprouts early, leave 50 centimeters to the space available for the leg of the protuberances and turn them to the flat state. When the branches are upright, they must use the support and pull method to open the backbone branches to maintain the angle. The balance between vegetative and reproductive growth. And take comprehensive and effective technical measures, such as ring cutting, to make it more results and faster results. After circumcision, promptly apply Huanhua No.2, resulting in fruit tree growth function to reproductive function, activation, robust flowering genes and flower ovary, bred a large number of high-quality flower buds and promote differentiation, more flowering, more fruit set, stable yield and quality for years.

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