Occurrence and Control of Grape White Rot Disease

Grape white rot, commonly known as water rot or ear rot, is a disease caused by the fungal white rot shield fungal disease.

First, the symptoms. Major damage to the ear and shoots can also damage the leaves. Ears close to the ground began to develop. The lesions began to appear as water-stained gray-brown lesions and gradually turned reddish-brown. As a result, the fruit was soft and rot. The surface was dense with grayish-white gradient black spots, and the fruit was easily broken off. The incidence of new shoots is mostly on young shoots and vulnerable parts, such as toppings or mechanical wounds. The lesions are water-stained, light brown, irregular, and gradually develop into a dark-brown, irregular shape with concave shapes. Spots, the surface dense grayish white dots; lesions late development, grafts and skin xylem impaired stripping split longitudinal cracking, dry dead. The incidence of leaves is mostly at the tips of leaves and leaves; lesions appear as water-stained, brownish, nearly round or irregularly shaped spots, which present with different shades of ring veins, and are easily broken after drying, and are sometimes gray on them. Small dots.

Second, the incidence characteristics. The pathogenic bacteria is a facultative parasite. It can be contaminated with conidial organs or conidia and mycelium left over on the ground or in the soil with the diseased body. It can also be used as a conidial device to overwinter on diseased fruit and diseased shoots in trees. The diseased fruit is not easy to rot, and the pathogen can survive in soil for 4-5 years. There is a dense mycelium on the base of the conidiophore on the stamen, which can survive for 8-10 months, and it is very resistant to adverse environments. force. In the spring of the second year, the wintering pathogens produced conidia that spread through rainwater and penetrated through wounds and water holes. The climatic conditions of high temperature and high humidity are important conditions for the occurrence and epidemic of the disease. The germination temperature limit is 13-40°C, the appropriate temperature is 28-30°C, relative humidity is above 95%, and 92% or less cannot germinate. Severe wounds and plagues occur during the onset of the disease, resulting in more wounds and heavy onset; fruit entering the coloring and maturation stages, the degree of susceptibility gradually increases; the ear is closer to the ground, the more susceptible to disease; low-lying, heavy soil, poor drainage, groundwater level High, overgrown with weeds, poor ventilation, and susceptibility to disease; stand-ups are heavier than scaffolds, double-stands are more severe than stand-ups, and east-west racks are more severe than north-south racks; disease resistance is significantly different among breeds.

Third, control methods

1, agricultural control. Increase organic fertilization, use less chemical fertilizers, increase tree vigor, and increase resistance to disease; gardens require flat terrain, loose soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, use of scaffolds, selection of north-south orientation when planting, and appropriate elevation of the distance between the ear and the ground. Reduce the chance of invading bacteria; appropriate amount of load can ensure high yield, stable production, and high quality. Timely picking, binding, wiping off the shoots and cultivating weeds to facilitate the air and light. During the rainy season, pay attention to drainage and reduce the humidity in the field. In combination with pruning, timely cut off diseased ear, diseased branches, diseased leaves, and burn or bury deeply to reduce the chance of re-infection and source of infection in the second year. Bagging can reduce the risk of white rot. The method is to spray evenly 70% thiophanate-methyl or 80% Dasheng M-45 WP 800 times after flowering, and then dry it and put it on the fruit shank. The upper mouth is tightly tied with fine iron wire to prevent rainwater. And pests invade.

2, pharmaceutical control. Before the germination, the whole park evenly sprayed Baume 3-5 degree lime sulfur agent. The disease began to be used at the beginning of the disease. The commonly used agents were 5% bacteriostatic water agent 500-800 times, 5% mildewen WP 800 times solution. , 50% MET WP 500-1000, 75% WP WP 500-800, 78% WP WP 600, 70% thiophanate WP 800 XL, 80 % Spray WP 800 times, 50% Benomyl WP 1500 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl Ultra wettable powder 1000 times, 50% Sulfur Suspender 500 times, 1: 0.5:200 times Bordeaux mixture, 40% polysulfide suspension 500 times. Control once every 10-15 days, total prevention and control 3-5 times. Adding agent during the rainy season to improve the adhesion of pesticides. Serious illness park should be used before the onset of 50% of the United States and the United States Dufen powder, sulfur powder 1, calcium carbonate, 1 part three drugs mixed and sprinkled on the ground in the vineyard, sprinkled 1-2 kg per acre, can reduce the incidence.

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